Traveling to Meet a Minor For Sex & The Penalties In Okaloosa County and Walton County Courts
According to Florida Statute § 847.0135(4)(a), the definition of Traveling to Meet a Child applies to a person who travels any distance either within the state, to the state or from the state or from this state by any means, who attempts to do so, or who causes another to do so or attempts to do so for the purpose of engaging in any illegal act defined under chapters 794 (Sexual Battery), 800 (Lewd and Lascivious) and 827(Abuse of a Child) of the Florida Statutes, or to engage in any other unlawful sexual conduct with a child, or person believed to be a child after using a computer, online service, internet service, local bulletin or board service or any other electronic device capable of data storage and transmission in order to seduce, solicit, lure or entice or attempt to seduce, solicit, lure or entice a child or person believed to be a child to engage in in any illegal act defined under chapters 794(Sexual Battery), 800 (lewd and Lascivious) and 827(Abuse of Children of the Florida Statutes, or to engage in any other unlawful sexual conduct with a child, or person believed to be a child.
Like any criminal case, it is the Prosecution’s burden to prove Traveling to Meet a Minor—beyond a reasonable doubt. And in order to prove this crime, there are two elements:
The first element is: Defendant knowingly used a computer on-line service, internet service or any other electronic devise capable of electronic data storage and transmission to seduce, lure or entice or attempt to seduce, lure or entice a child or person believed to be a child to engage in in any illegal act defined under chapters 794 (Sexual Battery), 800 (Lewd or Lascivious) and 827 (Abuse of Children) of the Florida Statutes, or to engage in any other unlawful sexual conduct.
The second element is: Defendant traveled, attempted to travel or caused someone else to travel within this state, to this state or from this state for the purpose of engaging in any illegal act defined under chapters 794 (Sexual Battery), 800 (Lewd or Lascivious) and 827 (Abuse of Children) of the Florida Statutes or unlawful sexual conduct.
Penalties For A Conviction On Traveling to Meet a Minor For Sex
The sex crime of Traveling to Meet a Minor is a second degree felony and carries penalties of up to 15 years imprisonment and up to $10,000 in fines, as well as lifetime sex offender designation.
The charge of Traveling to Meet a Child is linked to Soliciting a Child or Person Believed to be a Child for Unlawful Sexual Conduct Using Computer Services or Devices. Law enforcement will generally pair these two charged together, which results in increase sentencing exposure and other penalties.
If you or a family member has been arrested for Traveling to Meet a Minor For Sex anywhere in Okaloosa County or Walton County, call Lupella & Rehr at (850) 362-6655 for a FREE consultation.