Jail Sentence Modification Attorney
People come to me to help them fix their sentences. Perhaps you unknowingly entered into an illegal sentence or were given sanctions that were too severe or the probationary term too long for the crime charged. There are legal Motions that we can file to remedy these issues. I have filed numerous motions based on Rule 3.800 of the Florida Rules of Criminal Procedure and I know how to argue these technical legal grounds in court.
Another area I can assist you in is filing a Motion to Modify an existing special condition of probation. If we can successfully establish the legal grounds for the Sentence Modification, then we can address these issues before the judge. Areas available for Modification include, but are not limited to:
- Requesting a waiver of supervision costs or converting Community Service to a monetary buyout
- Changing a No Contact provision to No Violent Contact in a Domestic Violence or Battery Case
- Allowing for special travel outside the County, State, or Country
- Accommodating your probation reporting dates if it conflicts with your work schedule
- Changing your reporting probation to administrative, non-reporting probation
- Changing your reporting probation to monthly, mail-in reporting probation if you have moved out of state
If you require a sentence modification, we are available to speak you with over the phone or we can discuss your individual issue in person at one of our offices in Fort Walton Beach or Destin. We can help you and there is no reason-n put to wait. Waiting could be detrimental to you and your case. Call upon the experience attorneys with Lupella & Rehr. 850-362-6655